Culturally responsive practice in action - Loose parts

Let’s get inspired!

Join the ELCC team for a free evening of creative play as we explore loose parts.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 | 6 to 7:30 pm

Whitehorse Public Library meeting room (on the main floor)

The ELCC team is hosting a fun and interactive loose parts workshop for early childhood educators working in licensed early learning and child care programs. 

Educators will explore loose parts and ways of collecting, presenting, and utilizing open-ended materials in meaningful and culturally responsive ways. By engaging with ELCC culture kits and participating in hands-on activities, educators will discover and reflect on ways that loose parts play can support children in the development of:

  • fine motor skills and physical development;
  • numeracy;
  • literacy and story-telling;
  • sensory perception; 
  • creative play; and
  • social-emotional development.

In this workshop, educators will also dig into:

  • selecting open-ended materials with intention;
  • setting up loose parts in all areas of your program;
  • designing engaging invitations to play with open ended materials; and 
  • health and safety considerations when using loose parts with young children. 

Registration form

For more information, contact